Presto Brand Day

This June, we’re featuring everyone’s favourite brands like Pensonic, Cornell, Cason, and iSONIC, all with exclusive discounts on selected items! It’s the perfect time to get those must-have items you’ve been eyeing. Let the shopping spree begin!

Rewarding Journey with PLUSMiles and Presto

The partnership between PLUSMiles and Presto unlocks more rewards from us to you when you travel on PLUS highway.

5 Ways to Honour Him on Father’s Day

As Father’s Day approaches, let’s take a moment to appreciate the incredible dads who have made a lasting impact on our lives. Read on to discover 5 heartfelt ways to show your appreciation for your dad on this special day.

Presto Tips for Online Shoppers

Say goodbye to the hassle of deal hunting and read on to discover how Presto can revolutionize your online shopping experience.

5 Heartfelt Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day

As we approach this special day, let’s explore 5 heartfelt ways to show our appreciation for the extraordinary mothers in our lives.

Team Malaysia Youth All Girls Cheerleading Shines on the Global Stage

Explore Team Malaysia Youth All Girls’ historic journey from bronze to gold in cheerleading. Discover how Presto’s sponsorship fuelled their dreams.

Reward Yourself without Breaking the Bank

Who says you have to wait for Labour Day, Mother’s Day, or even Father’s Day to treat yourself and your loved ones?

PrestoMart Near U: April HOT Featured

We’ve got some sizzling surprises lined up for you this April, and no, it’s not an April Fools’ joke!

Level Up Your Kitchen this Raya

It’s essential to ensure your kitchen is well-prepared to cater to the needs of your loved ones during this special time. Read on to discover useful tips to help you elevate your kitchen ready for Raya!
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